Randeraad, N (Nico)
Trained as an historian at the Free University in Amsterdam, Nico Randeraad's main expertise lies in 19th and 20th century European history, but occasionally he steps out of familiar paths. He has published widely on various topics ranging from the early Italian unitary state, Dutch local and provincial government, international statistical congresses, and digital humanities. He is now entering the field of the social history of landscape. As a tutor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences he has been teaching many different modules in the European Studies and Arts &Culture programmes, both at BA and MA level. He has acted as evaluator for national and international research programmes.
Career History
Nico Randeraad studied history at the Free University in Amsterdam, and holds a Phd from the European University Institute in Florence (1992). He worked as post-doc and lecturer at various Dutch universities and at the University of Hull. From 1999 until 2002 he co-directed the Netherlands Centre for Contemporary History at the University of Groningen. Since 2002 he has been at Maastricht University. He is director of the Centre for the Social History of Limburg
Research Profile
Nico Randeraad’s research deals with 19th and 20th century European history. He focuses on the history of power and government, from the social history of civil servants to architecture and from the intellectuals roots of welfare policies to the real workings of public administration. He is now focussing on the history of Limburg in a comparative perspective.
Research Projects
Nico Randeraad is currently engaged in various research projects on transnational and digital history. From 2014 to 2016 he was PI of TD14, an NWO funded (Internationalisation Humanities) network dealing with the transnational dynamics of social reform. In the period May 2017 - April 2018 he coordinated the Clariah (Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) funded project 'Towards a Transnational Biographical Infrastructure, the Low Countries, 1840-1940'. He was one of the project leaders in TIC-Belgium, a Belspo funded research project on the history of social reform in the period 1815-1914, with a special emphasis on the Low Countries, based at Ghent University. He is currently engaged in a project about the Route impériale no. 3, from Paris to Hamburg, in particular the track running through Limburg, from its Napoleonic origins to the present day.
Boeken / Books (monographs and edited volumes):
(Redactie van) Behoedzaam bestuur.Twee eeuwen provincie Zuid-Holland (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2014, 405 p.) (met R. Pots)
(Redactie van) Geschiedenis is overal (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2013, 320 p.) (met F. Huisman en G. Verbeeck)
States and Statistics in the Nineteenth Century. Europe by Numbers (Manchester, Manchester University Press 2010, translation of no. 5)
Contemporary History on Trial. Europe since 1989 and the role of the expert historian (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007, 204 p.) (Co-editor with H. Jones en K. Östberg)
Het onberekenbare Europa. Macht en getal in de negentiende eeuw (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2006, 288p.)
(Editor of) Formation und Transfer städtischen Verwaltungswissens. Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte 15 (Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003, 380p.)
(Editor of) Mediators between State and Society (Publications of the Faculty of History and Art Studies XXIX, Hilversum, Verloren, 1998, 155p.)
Autorità in cerca di autonomia. I prefetti nell’Italia liberale (Roma, Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato, 1997, revised edition and translation of no. 9, 315 p.)
Authority in Search of Liberty: the Prefects in Liberal Italy (Amsterdam, Scrinium, 1993, 224p.)
Artikelen in tijdschriften en boeken / Articles and book chapters
‘Circulations charitables: les congrès internationaux de réforme sociale (1876-1913)’, in: C. Topalov (ed.), Philanthropes en 1900 (Londres, New York, Paris, Genève) (Paris, Creaphiseditions, 2019) (with Chris Leonards) 435-467, 606-616
‘Carving out a new role: the Union of International Associations after the Second World War’, in: D. Laqua, W. Van Acker, C. Verbruggen (eds), International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations (London, Bloomsbury, 2019) (with Philip Post) 73-90
‘Dutch Social Reformers in Transnational Space, 1840-1914: Reflections on the CLARIAH Research Pilot 2TBI’, https://www.clariah.nl/projecten/research-pilots/2tbi
‘1869. “Ons deel van de grote wereldtaak”’, in: L. Heerma van Vos et al (red.), Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (Amsterdam, Ambo|Anthos, 2018) 433-438
Provincializing the Kingdom of the Netherlands: South-Holland in the Nineteenth Century’, Administory. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschiche, 2 (2017) (with S. Couperus, H. Kaal, P. van Trigt) 172-190
- Going Places. French, Swiss, British and American Visitors to Social Reform Congresses, 1876-1913’, TIC working paper, 36 p. available since 1 February 2017 at www.tic.ugent.be (with C. Leonards)
‘Triggers of Mobility: International Congresses (1840-1914) and their Visitors’, Jahrbuch für Europäische Geschichte/European History Yearbook, 16 (2015) 63-82
‘Building a transnational network of social reform in the 19th century’, in: D. Rodogno, B. Struck and J. Vogel (eds), Shaping the Transnational Sphere. Experts, Networks and Issues from the 1840s to the 1930s (New York, Berghahn, 2015) (with C. Leonards) 111-130
‘Inleiding’, in: R. Pots en N. Randeraad, Behoedzaam bestuur.Twee eeuwen provincie Zuid-Holland (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2014) 7-16
‘Politiek en bestuur’, in: R. Pots en N. Randeraad, Behoedzaam bestuur.Twee eeuwen provincie Zuid-Holland (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2014) 45-86
‘Toezicht’, in: R. Pots en N. Randeraad, Behoedzaam bestuur.Twee eeuwen provincie Zuid-Holland (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2014) 103-132
‘Conclusie’, in: R. Pots en N. Randeraad, Behoedzaam bestuur.Twee eeuwen provincie Zuid-Holland (Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2014) (met D.J. Wolffram) 375-380
‘International organisations and information processes, 1913-1939’, in: T. Blom and S. Vanhoonacker, The Politics of Information. The Case of the European Union (Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) (with M. Geary) 34-48
‘Regulated selfregulation in the Netherlands, 1850-1940’, in: P. Collin e.a. (Eds), Regulierte Selbstregulierung in der westlichen Welt des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann, 2014) (with S. Couperus) 127-147
‘Snorren en baarden. De herdenking van de eerste vrije statenvergadering (1572-1972)’, in F. Huisman, N. Randeraad en G. Verbeeck, Geschiedenis is overal (Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2013) 32-57
‘Commemorating the Dutch Republic. The Politics of Urban Identity’. In E. Betta, D.L. Caglioti & E. Papadia (Eds.), Forme del politico. Studi di storia per Raffaele Romanelli (Roma, Viella, 2012) 281-300
‘Turkse lessen’, in: Adieu Jo Ritzen 2003-2011 (Universiteit Maastricht, 2011), 136-140
‘The International Statistical Congress (1853-1876): Knowledge transfers and their limits’, European History Quarterly, 41 (2011) 50-65
‘Transnational Experts in Social Reform, 1840-1880’, International Review of Social History 55(2), 2010, 215-239 (with C. Leonards)
‘Hoe Italië van zijn monarchie afkwam’, De Republikein 6: 1 (2010) 40-43
‘Berlusconi: meerduidigheid aan de macht’, Incontri. Rivista Europea di Studi Italiani 24: 1 (2009) 109-114 (met E. De Zutter)
‘De statistische reizen van Jan Ackersdijck’, De Negentiende Eeuw 32: 1 (2008) 15-26
‘Politiche pubbliche e totalitarismi. Le sfide delle amministrazione negli anni Trenta’, in: G. Melis (ed.), Lo Stato negli anni Trenta. Istituzioni e regimi fascisti in Europa (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008) 109-119
‘La comparazione delle amministrazioni pubbliche negli anni Trenta’, Le Carte e la Storia 13 (2007) no. 1, 27-32
‘Introduction’, in: Contemporary History on Trial. Europe since 1989 and the role of the expert historian (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007) 1-11 (with H. Jones and K. Östberg)
‘Conclusion’, in: Contemporary History on Trial. Europe since 1989 and the role of the expert historian (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2007) 193-199 (with H. Jones and K. Östberg)
‘Carnaval der burgers, bureaucraten en buitenlui’. Pluche: Essays en verhalen over openbaar bestuur, no. 5 (winter 2004) 68-72
‘Dall’amministrazione alla governance: un nuovo approccio alla storia amministrativa dei Paesi Bassi’, Le Carte e la Storia, 9 (2003) no. 2, 33-38
‘Editorial’, Formation und Transfer städtischen Verwaltungswissens. Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte 15 (2003) VII-XI
‘Il “secolo breve” dell’Associazione dei comuni olandesi’, in: P. Dogliani & O. Gaspari (a cura di), L’Europa dei comuni. Origini e sviluppo del movimento comunale europeo dalla fine dell’Ottocento al secondo dopoguerra (Roma, Donzelli, 2003) 149-164 (with D.J. Wolffram)
‘Bestuurscultuur’, Nieuwste Tijd 2 (2003) no. 7, 3-7 (inleiding themanummer)
‘I prefetti e la città’, in: S. Woolf (a cura di), Storia di Venezia. L’Ottocento 1797-1918, tomo 1 (Roma, Treccani, 2002) 205-224
‘The Dutch Path to statistics (1815-1830)’, in: P. Klep & I. Stamhuis (eds.), The Statistical Mind in a Pre-Statistical Era: The Netherlands, 1750-1850 (Amsterdam, Aksant, 2002) 99-123
‘Europa en de liefde’, Nieuwste Tijd 1 (2002) no. 4, 3-58 (Inleiding, 3-4) (met G. van Heteren, eds)
‘Dutch Administrative Culture in a Historic Perspective’, in: F. Hendriks & T.A.J. Toonen (eds.), Polder Politics. The Re-invention of Consensus Democracy in the Netherlands (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001) 41-59 (with D.J. Wolffram)
‘Besturen in Nederland: een cultureel erfgoed?’, Nieuwste Tijd 1 (2001) no. 2, 62-65
‘Het behouden huis. Leefvormen in de twintigste eeuw in Nederland’, Nieuwste Tijd 1 (2001) no. 2, 3-61 (Inleiding, 3-4) (met D.J. Wolffram, eds.)
‘Constraints on Clientelism: The Dutch Path to Modern Politics, 1848-1917’, in: S. Piattoni (ed.), Clientelism, Interests, and Democratic Representation. The European Experience in Historical and Comparative Perspective, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001) 101-121 (with D.J. Wolffram)
‘Il pubblico impiego e la mediazione degli interessi. I Paesi Bassi nel 900’, in: A. Varni & G. Melis (a cura di), Il lavoro pubblico in Europa (Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 2001) 65-80 (with D.J. Wollfram)
‘”Le mort saisit le vif”: het graf van Mussolini te Predappio’, Nieuwste Tijd 1 (2001) no. 1, 94-96
‘Le Carte e la Storia: a New Italian Journal of Administrative History’, Jahrbuch für Europaïsche Verwaltungsgeschichte 12 (2000) 307-317
Inleiding op en redactie van themanummer ‘Heilige jaren, heilige reizen’, Incontri. Rivista Europea di Studi Italiani 15 (2000) 5-6
‘Het geplooide land. De pacificerende rol van commissarissen des Konings en burgemeesters’, in: J.C.H. Blom & J. Talsma (red.), De verzuiling voorbij. Godsdienst, stand en natie in de lange negentiende eeuw (Amsterdam, Het Spinhuis, 2000) 134-153
‘Prefetti italiani e commissari del Re olandesi’, Instrumenta. Rivista di cultura professionale 3 (1999) no. 7, 103-112
‘Gemeenten tussen wet en werkelijkheid’, in: N.C.F. van Sas & H. te Velde (red.), De eeuw van de Grondwet. Grondwet en politiek in Nederland, 1798-1917 (Deventer, Kluwer, 1998) 246-265
‘Radarschermen en oleanderstruiken: het Italië van Dr. L. van Egeraat’, Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani 13 (1998) 171-178
‘The Batavian revolution as an awkard legacy’, Mededelingen van het Nederlands Instituut te Rome. Historical Studies (1998), 57 (2002) 183-195
‘Le facce dell’accentramento: prefetti italiani e commissari del Re olandesi nell’età liberale’, Le Carte e la Storia 4 (1998) 34-39
‘Introduction’, in: N. Randeraad, ed., Mediators between State and Society (Hilversum, Verloren, 1998) 9-16
‘Faces of centralization: Prefects in Italy and Commissioners of the King in the Netherlands in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century’, in: N. Randeraad, (ed.),Mediators between State and Society (Hilversum, Verloren, 1998) 87-109
‘De Nederlandse bestuurscultuur in historisch perspectief’, in: F. Hendriks & T.A.J. Toonen (red.), Schikken en plooien: De stroperige staat bij nader inzien (Assen, Van Gorcum, 1998) 35-49 (met D.J. Wolffram)
‘Thorbecke en de maakbaarheid van het binnenlands bestuur’, Bestuurswetenschappen. Tijdschrift voor de wetenschap van het openbaar bestuur 51 (1997) 344-359
‘La lettura olandese’, in: Storia Amministrazione Costituzione. Annale dell’Istituto per la Scienza dell’Amministrazione Pubblica 5 (1997) 307-314
‘I registri di popolazione ottocenteschi come fonti statistiche e strumenti di controllo sociale (Belgio, Italia, Paesi Bassi)’, Le Carte e la Storia 2 (1996) 35-42
‘Waarheen leidt de Italiaanse geschiedenis?’, Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani 10 (1995) 180-183
‘Negentiende-eeuwse bevolkingsregisters als statistische bron en middel tot sociale beheersing’, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis 21 (1995) 319-342
‘Een etalage van bestuurlijke vernieuwing. De tentoonstelling "op gemeentelijk administratief gebied" in 1906’, Amstelodamum 82 (1995) 141-151
‘"Aantekening" op de gedecentraliseerde eenheidsstaat’, Bestuurswetenschappen. Tijdschrift voor de wetenschap van het openbaar bestuur 48 (1994) 476-482
‘The Integration of the Netherlands. Recent Trends in the Dutch Historiography on the Nineteenth Century’, Bollettino del diciannovesimo secolo (1994), no. 3, 48-52
‘In Search of a National Building Style. Administrative Architecture in the Netherlands in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century’, Jahrbuch für Europaïsche Verwaltungsgeschichte 6 (1994) 243-260
‘Thorbecke en de inrichting van het lokale bestuur’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 107 (1994) 537-558
‘Ambtenaren in Nederland (1815-1915)’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 109 (1994) 209-23
‘Il contributo italiano alla statistica internazionale: Luigi Bodio e l’Istituto Internazionale di Statistica’, Quaderni di Ricerca ISTAT. Ordinamento e Amministrazione (1994) n. 3, La statistica ai tempi di Bodio. La storia e le fonti, 9-12
‘De Commissaris des Konings in de Nederlandse Geschiedenis’, Opossum. Tijdschrift voor Historische en Kunstwetenschappen 3 (1993) themanummer 8, 81-84
‘Bureaucratie en verandering: de Italiaanse prefecten als makers van de eenheidsstaat’, Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani, 8 (1993) 16-24
‘The State in the Provinces: the Prefecture as a Palace after Unification’, in: P. van Kessel (ed.), The Power of Imagery. Essays on Rome, Italy and Imagination (Rome, Apeiron, 1992) 98-108, 280-284
‘L’amministrazione periferica nell’Italia liberale: una ricerca in corso’, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 40 (1990) 1202-1221
‘Gli alti funzionari del Ministero dell’Interno durante il periodo 1870-1899’, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 39 (1989) 202-265
Boekbesprekingen /Reviews in:
- Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani
- Ricerche di Storia Politica
- Beleidswetenschap. Kwartaaltijdschrift voor beleidsonderzoek en beleidspraktijk
- Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden
- Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis
- Le Carte e la Storia
- Tijdschrift voor Mediation
- Il Mestiere di storico
My current teaching mainly consists of:
- Marble course (Research Based BA course for selected students) 'The Living History of the Meuse'
- Supervision of BA and MA theses
Work for third parties
- Documentatie- en studiecentrum at Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
Additional roles & tasks
Extraordinary Professor, Director Centre for the Social History of Limburg (SHCL)