Cross-border research
LIMES, the Latin word for border, is a doctoral programme for 13 talented PhD candidates in the domain of the humanities and social sciences, centred on the theme of ‘The Hardening and Softening of Borders: Europe in a Globalising World’.
Borders – as reality and metaphor – exist not only on the edge of the territory of the nation-state or the European Union, but also in numerous areas within and beyond these geographical units, not least in the minds of people. Borders are intrinsically moveable and permeable, and it is precisely this malleability that LIMES researchers focus on.
The project LIMES is led by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS), thereby working closely with University College Maastricht (UCM), the School of Business and Economics (SBE), and the Faculty of Law (FL). Maastricht University, with four faculties and 13 PhD candidates, is literally and figuratively exploring and crossing borders.
Final Conference
On 27 October 2023, the network organised a final conference in which the 13 Limes researchers presented the main findings of their research to a broader audience. The keynote speech was given by Karl-Heinz Lambertz, former Chair of the EU Committee of the Regions and former Minister-President of the German-speaking Community in Belgium.
LIMES Booklet
In the period 2020-2021, thirteen talented researchers joined the LIMES project, an interfaculty research network of Maastricht University, co-funded by the European Commission. In this booklet, the researchers and their projects are introduced, as well as the findings from their research.
Workshop Mapping & Understanding EU borders 2 September 2022
A workshop to rethink the visualisation of borders and their impact in EU border regions.
read moreKick-off conference LIMES
On 5th February 2020, we held our kick-off conference to welcome our Early Stage Researchers in Maastricht.
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